Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Truman show, Seven Pounds

I'm truly terrible aren't I? No updates in a while from little old me then. Especially on the cinephile side of me.

Now I'm sure everyone is all buzzing about seeing Yes Man. But I can't afford that. So I watched The Truman Show, The movie came up during dinner at the (hopefully-future-in-laws or HFIL) The dinner conversation had steered to film, I shame-faced, admitted to not ever getting the chance to watch The Truman Show, but I had still saved face by admitting I shared a love for Forrest Gump with the HFIL Dad and how awesome Pulp Fiction was. Being the awesomely cool HFIL's that they are. They lent me the DVD and so I watched it with my boyfriend.

The Truman show was actually a text that most English Students had to study, while others Studied Rabbit Proof fence. Sadly, my class didn't see it, so the oppurtunity never arose. I can't quite remember what we had to watch for the same module, But I have fond memories of enjoying Strictly Ballroom, The Castle and The Big Sleep (Yay, Bogie!) and The Interview ( An aussie film which Ivoluntarily studied .)

I easily warmed to Jim Carrey without being afraid of him ( Which can and does happen sometimes!) For those of you who have never seen or heard of it. Truman is a man born into a reality tv program. His every waking moment recorded by thousands of cameras. His wife, his neighbours are all actors. The surprising thing about The Truman show is although it was made in the late 90's. Released in 1998 to be exact, To me it's a scarily accurate pre-cursor to the reality- tv age of the new millenium in which we now live. A little stepford wives, but essential in conveying a creepy Utopia.

Two things let me down in this film.

Initially I found the ending quite abrupt and was sad that it was over, but in retrospect found it fitting for the film. Traditionally the audience expects to see Truman re-united with his long lost sweetheart. But as soon as he steps out the door we see no more of Truman. Like the Truman show being finally over, so is our film. Then the audience is kind of made aware of the eerie doppleganger echo. Watching, watchers... Watching ourselves. Essentially, what this film does and does well is remind us that we are a nation of voyeurs that love to watch. That need to watch. Every viewer I'm sure can relate to sensation of following a television programme, especially if its horrible reality television.

The second thing that let me down, Is no ones fault entirely. You can't help when its been 'so-many' years since a films release that you kind of can kid your way into saying you're a film buff and have watched so and so, since you've heard about it, read about it, you know everything about it ...except watch it really. ( I'm totally convinced I've seen Psycho based on the fact I've read so much about that one shower scene, have seen so many spoofs, spin offs and student horror re-enactments, ) Intertextuality is inevitable....
however I digress, the point is I began to look for clues while watching Truman, I spent so much time fitting into the role of super sleuth that I had forgot to just enjoy myself and watch the film. I kept looking for cameras and clues. Perhaps if I attempted to view the film without knowledge of the film's synopsis. I would have been subjected to an entirely different experience. That is what I regret. The first un-tainted viewing. I am sure there will be no follow up sequential viewing to pick out the things I missed because I spotted so much of it in the first viewing.... ah well.

Now, knowing nothing about a film on the other hand is quite a whole new slice of proverbial pie. Part of the reason I like stumbling across foreign and indie films on SBS while channel surfing. Like the other night when I stumbled across the end of a Bogie film (I'm still not sure what it was..but YAY Bogie) If you can tell me....10,000 points for you* It involved Bogie, a Bolivian (Or some South American country) towering Boxer named El Toro (I think) who gets beaten to a pulp and asks Bogie for his money but an infuriated Bogie finds the boxer is robbed blind by the dodgy bookies...

Not knowing a thing about a film proved interesting when I saw Seven Pounds. I knew NOTHNG about it. Except Will Smith was in it. The Trailer was so enticing. I remember sitting in the cinema with my jaw dropped and audibly whispering "Wow..."If a trailer could do that, I wonder what the whole film could do?

(possible spoiler warning- don't read on if you intend to see this film )

I kept trying to figure out what it was about. Was Will Smith a Man with God like abilities that could change people's lives? Was he there to kill people. How intriguing? How open-ended ambiguous....enigmatic...

I don't really have the heart to divulge details despite a spoiler warning. However the film reels you in and keeps you guessing. Which is why notletting people know anything about it was a clever move by the film publicity.

Look out for an outstanding performace by Woody Harrelson.

However on a slightly sour note, The Will Smith Cycle which seems to be happening seems to not give Will Smith any greater range then the smart, somewhat isolated guy who can fix things or utterly destroy them...physical or emotional...
just think - The Pursuit of Happyness -(same director of Seven )
I am Legend
and (sadly) I get reminded of the fiasco that was Hancock.

If you can overlook Will Smith character temper tantrums and relish in the non-linear scene pattern you will come out a little teary eyed and all humanitarian, gearing up to donate pints of blood.

*All points aren't redeemable for anything but my opinion of how awesome you are.


reuel said...

oo niceee
loved the lil bit about intertextuality. so true!
hey you should point out to the readers that its american indie movie month on sbs!!
hope everyone watched junebug last weekend haha i love that movie. i dunno how it ended up in my collection, glad it did though. and was surprised to see it pop up on sbs.

so keen diana. dont scare him off now :p

Anonymous said...

I loved the bit in the Truman Show when he's looking at the collage of that lady he thinks about every now and then which he made over time with bit's and pieces of other people to remember her... Secret love, so sweet.