Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Say Hello To My Little Friend

This idea of mine has been on the back burner for a while. So, it's time I kick some ass and get on with it.

So let me start with a brief and awesome introduction.

I'm the 'terrible film student'! It's not actually a good thing. You know that friend of yours that owns like fifty gazillion DvDs has seen their favourite film 300 times and can recite whole chunks of kick ass dialogue. That pretentious ass of a kid who will stare in horror and amazement when you tell them you haven't seen The Godfather or Kubric's 'A Clockwork Orange, shaking their head in utter disappointment and 'tsk tsk tsking' away at you as they continue to rattle off a whole list of canonical films that you should have seen because if you haven't you can't go on living and that you bury your head in a sandpit and die?

good news: That kid isn't me.

In fact. I'm doing this to prove that you can still love cinema you just don't have to name drop to prove it. It's not all about what everyone else likes...what everyone else tells you to watch. It's the art and images and sounds and dialogue that sticks with you. About the films you do manage to watch. It's not about pretending you have seen the films you should have seen and that everyone else has. It's about being true to what YOU find appealing in film and cinematic experiences. It's about when you go try to go to bed at night and you can't get a shot out of your head.Or how you keep wondering how the magic of cinema captivates you continuously or makes you laugh notoriously, makes you fall in love and die and come to life again. Its about enticement....entertainment
and if you think a movie is boring you should have the guts to say why!

This for me is a little experiment if you will. Kind of like a movie book club. Where I go about watching movies and writing about them. Without trying to sound too contradicting, I believe I'm a terrible film student (or at least not so good) because I haven't built up a large enough film repertoire to be able to give an honest opinion. I'm slowly going to make my way through watching some canonical films and I'll give anything a go that I can get my hands on, plus I am open to recommendations.

Coincidently, I study photography as well. So at times I might draw your attention to photography and other media related outlets, but I'll try to stick to cinema.


1 comment:

reuel said...

pretty kewwwl idea
mo posts!

hah i was pretty startled when i saw 'terrible film student' updated in my blog list a few days ago.. totally forgot it was you!